Friday, December 30, 2011


after all this blogger setting up b.s. i'm tired and have erased what i have written so please call back later and maybe we can share some thoughts.

Thursday, December 29, 2011


I'm shy.  I don't talk about myself.  I don't even tell my doctor much about myself except the necessary things to hopefully let him prescribe something to help any pain or discomfort.  I have always thought of myself as bombproof from any disease or physical harm.  Until April of 2009 when I was diagnosed with lung cancer.  That was the beginning of my gradual decline.  What a shock it was for me and my husband.  He's an internet freak and immediately looked everything up on the net.  It started with the x-rays and scans and with the chemo.  That went on for week after week and then a few months respite and then more chemo and more x-rays and scans.